Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Who is Vivaldi?
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi he was born in Venecia, on the 4 of march in the 1678-Viena, he died on the 28 of july in the 1741. ​He was a Venecian baroque composer, violinist, businessman, teacher and priest. His mastery is reflected in the most important genre of the concert. He composed some more 770 works, including more than 400 concerts and about 46 operas. He is especially known, a popular level, for being the author of the series of concerts for violin and orchestra" The Four Seasons".
This is the song of the four seasons:


How many wars the people want?
Before they learn
How many violence the people need?
Before they learn to be best
How many persons die in the world?
Before they comprend the life
How many faces are sad in the world?
Before they begin to be bad
How many animals the people kill?
Pretending it was very fun

Monday, 26 November 2018


1-What is strenght as basic physical ability?
Strength is the ability to overcome a resistance or face through a muscular effort.
There are different types:

  • Maximum Strenght: It is the maximum weight that we can mobilize. An example is weightlifting.
Resultado de imagen de halterofilia

  • Explosive Strenght: It is the manifestation of force quickly. An example is long jumper.
Resultado de imagen de salto de longitud
  • Resistance strenght : Is the ability to maintain strength for a long period of time. An example is a cycling tour.
      Resultado de imagen de vuelta ciclista

      2-What is flexibility as basic physical capacity?
      Is the ability of the joins to perform movements as widely as possible.
      It depends in different factors:
      • Muscle elasticity: ability to enlarge the muscles and recovery of the inicial position.
      • Joint mobility: maximum degree of movement of each joint.
      • Intramuscular coordination: The intermuscular coordination regulates the different degrees of muscular contraction thanks to a mechanism of sum of motor units. The muscle contraction can be regulated in two ways: Regulatin the number of motor units in action and regulation the frequency of nerve simulation
      Resultado de imagen de ejercicios para mejorar la flexibilidad
      3-What is endurance as basic physical capacity?
       Endurance is the ability to maintain physical effort for a long time.
      The different types are:
      • Aerobic endurance: Aerobic endurance is all about your level of cardiovascular fitness. Many would argue that this is one of the most vital fitness-related attributes because of its link to heart health. To improve your aerobic endurance is to improve your body’s capability of meeting higher, faster demands for oxygen and energy, which it needs during more intense exercise.
      Resultado de imagen de ejercicios de aerobic enduranceResultado de imagen de saltar a la comba
      • Anaerobic endurance: Anaerobic endurance refers to the ability to sustain intense, short duration activity such as weight lifting or sprinting. Anaerobic means "without oxygen".
      Resultado de imagen de anaerobic enduranceResultado de imagen de anaerobic endurance

      4-How can I improve my endurance? Explain two exercises.
      • For improve endurance you can do weightlifting, jump with a rope, go cycling or do long jumper.
      Resultado de imagen de How can I improve my endurance? circuits

      Tuesday, 6 November 2018


      Your children cry because they want to see you happy,
      you see sadness in his face because his father is a monster.
      Everyday it gost worse and causes you more pain.
      Fighter woman raises that its time.
      Denunce that man don´t hide in the shadow.
      You and can change it you decide to report.
      To life you smile.
      Resultado de imagen de photos of music

      Sunday, 4 November 2018


      A. TO BEGIN WITH... ( PART 1)
      1)Does sadness and melancholy belong to music?
               - Maybe, becuse you can feel sadness or malancholy when you listen a sad song.
      2)Or must music always make you feel happy or glad?
               -No, because if you listen a sad song , I think that you aren´t happy or glad you are sad.
      Resultado de imagen de musica gif


      Note: nota
      Staff: pentagrama
      Pitch: altura
      Tone: tono
      Semitone: semitono
      Interval: intervalo
      Duration: duración
      Accidentals: alteraciones
      Flat: bemol
      Sharp: sostenido
      Choir: coro
      Recorder: flauta dulce
      Treble clef: clave de sol
      Half note: nota negra
      Quarter note: nota blanca
      Eight note: corchea
      Whole note: redonda
      Chord: acorde
      Ascending: ascendente
      Descending: descendente
      Melody: melodía