Monday, 30 October 2017


Halloween’s origins date back to the ancient Celtic festival of Sambaing (pronounced sow-in). The Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France, celebrated their new year on November 1. 
This day marked the end of summer and the harvest and the beginning of the dark, cold winter, a time of year that was often associated with human death. Celts believed that on the night before the new year, the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead became blurred. On the night of October 31 they celebrated Sambaing, when it was believed that the ghosts of the dead returned to earth. 
In addition to causing trouble and damaging crops, Celts thought that the presence of the otherworldly spirits made it easier for the Druids, or Celtic priests, to make predictions about the future. For a people entirely dependent on the volatile natural world, these prophecies were an important source of comfort and direction during the long, dark winter.
To commemorate the event, Druids built huge sacred bonfires, where the people gathered to burn crops and animals as sacrifices to the Celtic deities. During the celebration, the Celts wore costumes, typically consisting of animal heads and skins, and attempted to tell each other’s fortunes. 
When the celebration was over, they re-lit their hearth fires, which they had extinguished earlier that evening, from the sacred bonfire to help protect them during the coming winter.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017


  • GEOMETRY: is a study that represents the lines and points. 
  • POINT: is a place where two lines joined. Has not dimensions, no height and no width. 
  • LINE: is an object of a dimension, formed by infinite points. 
  • RAY: is a line which begins at particular point and extends in one direction. 
  • ENDPOINT: is the point where a segment ends or start. 
  • MIDPOINT: is the point that is in the middle of a segment. 
  • LINE SEGMENT: is a segment that has a begin and final. 
  • STRAIGHT LINE: is a line that two points follow the same direction. 
  • PLANE: is a two dimensional surface. In the space the plane can be defined by two parallel, lines, one point and the straight line. 
  • LENGTH: is a measurement of something from end to end.


  • PARALLELS: are two lines than never intersect
  • PERPENDICULAR: two lines former right angle or 90 grades angle.
  • OBLIQUE: is a line that it is not parallel and it´s a perpendicular.
  • ANGLE: are two lines when have one point common.

  • RIGHT: are two lines intersect 90 grades.
  • OBTUSE: angle has more than 90 grades.
  • ACUTE: it´s an angle former less 90 grades.
  • FLAT: this angle has 180 grades.
  • NULE: this angle don't move


  • COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES: are two angles forming 90 grades
  • SUPPLEMENTARY: are two angles forming 180 grades
  • ADYANCENT: are angles that share one side on the vertex


  • BISECTOR: is a line who divided two lines in two parts
  • CIRCLE: set of points at the same distance to a point called centre.
  • CIRCUMFERENCE: It is the full lenght of a circle .The complete distance around a circle.
  • CENTRE: it is the point equidistant to any of the point of a circle
  • RADIUS: it is a line between the centre and the circle.
  • DIAMETER: a line segment that passees through the centre and connects two points of a circle.
  • CHORD: a line which connects two points of a circle not through the centre.
  • ARC: is a segment of a circle.
  • TANGENT: is a line touch only one point
  • OUTER: when an element doesn't touch the circumference or another element.
  • INNER: when an element is fitted inside the circumference or another element begin tangent or not.
  • CONCENTRIC CIRCLES: they are circles which different radius but place in the plane sharing the centre.